Saturday, April 9, 2011

Diigo project--10 points

What did you learn about Diigo?
Diigo is a very useful thing to use if you want students to use certain articles that you have annotated for different projects. I really enjoy it! I can use it for my own research papers as well. Just by the annotations I can annotate things and read just the important part of the article.

What instructional problems could you use this technology for?
It would have to be in a technology rich classroom because it does require some type of prior knowledge to technology. I could see potential problems in trying to incorporate this into a lesson just because it would take time trying to show how to use it.

What are 2-3 activities you could use this technology for in your own teaching? List the instructional standards if you can identify them
Research papers and analyzing poetry and literature. Most state core standards require learning how to analyze literature and how to write persuasive research papers. So, using the annotations I can teach the students how to use their online resources as a way to organize and remember things from their sources. For poetry or literature, I can find suggestions of how to write successful poetry and literature in general and have the students read and do some sort of study guide on it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

PTP PowerPoint Game-- 5 points

What did you learn from making a PowerPoint Game?

Making the PowerPoint Game was cool because I have seen them before in my classes, so it was fun to learn how to make it. It does take a lot of time because you have a lot of things to create and a lot of links to make. So it's nice to have it around for future use, even if its not with the same lesson.

What problems did you face while making your PowerPoint Game?
I didn't really face any problems while making the PowerPoint game because it was pretty easy to figure out. The only thing that was difficult, but not hard, was the time it took to create it.

How did you overcome them?
I really just took the time that was needed and made sure to organize it properly.

How might you use a PowerPoint Game in your content area?
If I were to use this in the classroom, I would use it as an assessment activity at the end of a grammar/editing/revision test or at the end of a novel project. It works so perfectly! I would put everyone in groups and have people work together, but then having them rate how each person did anonymously.

Monday, March 21, 2011

PTP--Glog 5 points

Here's my first ever glog. I kind of like this idea. It's a new interesting approach to things. If I were to use this for my class I could use it like I did in my glog, as a poetry lesson. The students can use this for their final project and create their own glog on their own poetry. I would have them use at least 4 images separate from the background and a song for the background. This is a new and creative example to creating their own poetry. To keep control of who makes what, I would probably have to make a profile just for their class and have each of them log into it and create a glog with their name at the top of it.

This was a cool assignment, and I had fun creating it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Internet Safety Teaching Response

So, for the teaching part of the assignment, I gave my mom some examples of cyberbullying v. real bullying and asked her what the differences were.

Here's the websites I did:

My mom is a high school math teacher and gave some awesome additions to these two websites.

"I watched it. I like the clip. The other article has some sad stuff in it. I saw the star wars movie on youtube. That is terrible about him.
At our school, there was a site called Angleton Ho's. There were pictures posted of a lot of different girls posted and then hate words were posted. Sara, my TA, lost a friend because someone cut and pasted a picture of Sara's friend from her old myspace account and then accused Sara of putting the picture on the site. The girl's mom threatened to sue Sara and her parents.
Nicole, your cousin, has faced cyberbulling. Whenever she is with two girls, in particular, they text things about Nicole. They did it on the way up to the timeshare for Nicole's birthday, even. Sherrie took up their phones until the trip was over.
Cyberbulling is more harsh because there is no immediate nonverbal or verbal action. You can post something and it just sits there until someone notices. If you were to say the same mean things to their face, there would be an immediate response, verbal or not. It doesn't take courage to cyberbully.
In the ad, there are other people watching that take a stand. Because of the immediacy of the eye-to-eye contact of the jerky guy and the cool guy, things changed. I guess that is the difference...cyberbulling waits for its victims, and can instantly spread to millions before anyone is even aware of the problem.
Kids like to talk about their experiences. They all know someone who has been a victim of cyberbulling."

I think this went well, overall. I probably learned a lot more from my mom then she did from me, but that's what teaching is all about, right?

Internet Safety Questions

What were the most important things I learned from the readings?
Teaching students more life applications of how to identify what Cyberbullying is, is a more productive way to teach them how cyberbullying effects each other. Also, I learned that the government is working on ways to protect adolescents in internet access. I'm not sure how they will go about in doing this, but it is an interesting proposition.

How will what I have read influence my actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
I am a lot more schooled in identifying cyberbullying and protecting identity on Facebook. I learned a little bit about it last semester, and I removed my birthdate from my profile as well as made my profile invisible to only people that I contact. I hope that my siblings and parents have done the same, or will as soon as I explain it to them.

How can I use what I have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
It can protect them from cyberbullying as well as identify fraud. I have heard and read countless stories on people getting their identity stolen from the internet. Hopefully it will open their eyes as it has mine. I have sent my mom and my 18 year-old sister information on how to protect herself from facebook.

Am I aware of the benefits and dangers children face when online with cyber bullying and online predators? Do I know how to prevent cyberbullying?
The articles I have read recommend that students and children learn how to recognize cyberbullying by teaching them through real life examples and how to be sensitive in different situations. I think that this is a BIG point. I know of a lot of people who learned how to recognize bad attention and have never had a problem with cyberbullying.

Where can I go for information and resources that can be used to teach internet safety?
Generally, I would just suggest typing in cyberbullying into google, but here's some more:

What internet safety issues am I likely to face as a teacher and how will I address them?
Facebook, online dating (high school...maybe), parents e-mails. It's important to keep my personal information as private as possible and explain to students how important it is as well. I can give statistics on cyberbullying and internet safety and then do a comparison on bullying v. cyberbullying.

How can I leverage the power of the Internet so students can learn, but in a safe way?
Have them only look at websites that are for educational purposes only. Sites that end in .edu or .org or .gov. MAYBE some .com websites, but research it before hand. Always research the websites before hand. Just to make sure. It will help with internet safety, but will also help with organization for lesson plans.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Instructional Video

Here's my instructional video. I was going for the child's book approach and there isn't really anyone in my apartment that is a decent drawer. So, the illustrations are child-like as well. Enjoy!